Monday, March 1, 2010

Grab your mushrooms!

Apparently this guy Larry Carlson is the next Salvador Dali. I dunno about you guys, but based on his sound/video projects, I might like him better. Prepare yourself for some trippy stuff.

GOD MAN AND BEAST from Larry Carlson on Vimeo.

Jackie Gleason Manipulating Space and Time from Larry Carlson on Vimeo.

And check out this really wacky scroll stuff on his site.

Weird Sculptures for Sale

I've been seeing the coolest sculptures and figurines lately.

These weird things are from Double Parlour, an Etsy shop online.

And these marionettes and other weirdness are from an artist named Scott Radke. Upon perusing his work I thought it looked quite a bit similar to something Tim Burton would dream up so it was no surprise when I saw on his blog that he'd been asked to lend some of his creations to the new Alice in Wonderland movie. It also wouldn't surprise me if Mom had ordered a set of these to pass of as Christmas decorations next year (that's supposed to be a compliment).

Alice in Wonderland (1903)

This is the recently restored 1903 short film of Alice in Wonderland. I'm pretty sure it was the very first Alice in Wonderland film ever made. By that time cinema had only been around for 8 years. I love the title sequence in the beginning.