Thursday, February 12, 2009

Why I Won't Do Letterman

I'm afraid I'd pull a Joaquin. But I think I kind of love him even more now.


  1. This is hilariously painful to watch.

  2. forgot to say... excellent blog. I would subscribe if I could figure out how

  3. First let me say, I couldn't be more pleased that the first person to grace us with a comment is Carla. I love it! I think, maybe, I have the subscribing feature turned off? Let me figure that out and get back to you.

    Next, this video is friggin' awesome. Their banter is ridiculous! Best part is Paul's laugh and Joaquin's "..are you f**king kidding? Are you serious?"

  4. Carla, on the main page scroll all the way to the bottom and hit that link that says Subscribe: Post (Atom). You can add to your google reader or blog reader.
